AlmaLinux 9 Essentials eBook


AlmaLinux 9 Essentials provides detailed information on the installation, use, and administration of the AlmaLinux 9 distribution.

Topics covered include general system administration, remote desktop access, the Cockpit web interface, logical volume management (LVM), disk partitioning, swap management, KVM virtualization, Secure Shell (SSH), Linux Containers, and more.

The eBook is provided in PDF format and contains 34 chapters and 298 pages.

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AlmaLinux 9 Essentials is intended to provide detailed information on the installation, use, and administration of the AlmaLinux 9 distribution. For beginners, the book covers topics such as operating system installation, the basics of the GNOME desktop environment, configuring email and web servers, and installing packages and system updates.

Additional installation topics, such as dual booting with Microsoft Windows, are also covered, together with all important security topics, such as configuring a firewall and user and group administration.

For the experienced user, topics such as remote desktop access, the Cockpit web interface, logical volume management (LVM), disk partitioning, swap management, KVM virtualization, Secure Shell (SSH), Linux Containers, and file sharing using both Samba and NFS are covered in detail to provide a thorough overview of this enterprise class operating system.

Format: PDF
Page count: 294
Page Size: 7.5in x 9.25in
Publication date: November 2, 2023

Payload Publishing
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Cary, NC 27519
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